Nov 27, 2020
Orange American Legion Post 156 is located at 341 Newton Street, Orange. It can be reached by calling 672-9897 or visiting its website at https://www.alpost156.com/. Pictured is post commander Alan Drinkwater.
The Orange County Chamber of Commerce business spotlight for November is Orange American Legion Post 156. The post is located on Newton Street in Orange. This month’s summary is provided by post commander Alan Drinkwater.
The American Legion is a civilian organization that is non-political.
The mission of the American Legion is service to our veterans, their families and to their communities, states and the nation.
Service to our veterans begins with our membership base. Without members, we would not have any voice on Capitol Hill, nor would the American Legion achieve the entitlements and support that our veterans their families, their communities, our state and nation deserve.
Membership in the American Legion is open to all veterans who have served or are serving honorably in the armed services of the United States of America.
The local American Legion post supports the veterans and their families in the Orange community through a number of programs.
The post has a service officer to assist veterans and their families with filing for veterans benefits and assistance from the veterans administration
The local post has donated to local community organizations and local individuals, sponsored two youth baseball teams and sponsored scholarships for graduating high school seniors. In 2018, the post contributed $10,725 and in 2019, contributed $11,970 locally.
Funds come from post rentals, raffles, dinners and breakfasts. The local post also supports the youth of the community by participating in American Legion Boys’ and Girls’ State programs. The program instructs youth in how our local and state governments are structured and what the duties are of each branch of local and state government. In 2019, Post 156 sent five girls and boys to the program. The post planned to send another 10 students this past summer, but the program was canceled because of the COVID-19 public health crisis.
Orange American Legion Post 156 meets the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at 341 Newton Street, Orange. It can be reached by calling 672-9897 or visiting its website at https://www.alpost156.com/. Commander Alan Drinkwater can be reached at (434) 249-6897 or alan.drinkwater434@gmail.com.