Congratulations and more importantly, THANK YOU to the Orange County Children’s Toy Box, the Orange County Chamber of Commerce Business off the Month for December. Formed in 1991, this locally run 501(c)3 public charity provides Christmas gifts to children throughout the County who otherwise may go without. 100% volunteer-operated, all proceeds from their efforts go directly to the children in need. Check out their website and fb page to learn more about how you can be part of this worthy cause.
Pictured left (L to R): Kayla Crawford, Volunteer, Rachel Gibson, Board Secretary, Donna Waugh-Robinson, President and Founder; and Lily Robinson, Volunteer with their certificate – and a few of the donated items ready to be sorted for delivery in time for Christmas morning.
Not pictured, but critical to their success: Dana Amos, Vice-President, and Evie Woods, Treasurer, and Elliott Robinson