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Meet the Board: Justin Freeman


My name is Justin Freeman and I am the Operations Manager for Tiger Fuel Company in Orange. I am a former U.S. Army 82ndAirborne Division Paratrooper to which I served 5 years. I am an avid outdoorsman as my passions are hunting, target shooting, fishing, trapping, snowboarding, parachuting, kayaking and relic hunting. Tiger Fuel Company was founded in 1982 in Charlottesville, VA by David Sutton whom is a Woodberry Forest School alumni.

I originally worked for W.A. Brockman Oil Company for 11 years as a fuel truck driver. In January of 2012, Tiger Fuel Company bought W.A. Brockman Oil Company and I stayed on with Tiger Fuel as a fuel driver initially. In my previous years’ experience with W.A. Brockman Oil Company I was trained by the former owner, my Stepfather, David Brockman on some of the office duties as well as my driver role. Given that experience and the fact I had leadership experience during my military service I was given a chance to manage the Tiger Fuel Co. Orange, VA plant. I jumped at the opportunity and the rest is history.

My team and I have successfully grown our customer base by over 50%, in 8 years, from the W.A. Brockman Oil customer base including the addition of Propane sales and service. Tiger Fuel Company also has three other fuel distribution plants in Charlottesville, Lovingston and Appomattox. Our company has numerous convenience stores branded “The Markets” and carwashes throughout the area as well.

The Chamber of Commerce is important as its role is to support businesses in our county which in turn helps them be more successful, create more jobs and promotes a better business community all around.

My position on the board is important to me because I like being able to help make a positive impact in our county. I also like the fact that board members typically find out about community events/improvements, new businesses, etc. before most of the public. I have made numerous contacts with the chamber through networking which would have only happened due to my position on the board.

Justin Freeman

Operations Manager

Tiger Fuel Company

175 Caroline St.

Orange, VA 22960

Office Phone: (540) 672-4200

Cell Phone: (434) 260-2590


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PO Box 146,
111 Spicers Mill Road,
Suite B, 
Orange, VA  22960

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